Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Nature of Man - Part 2

The Nature of Man - Part 2

In a previous post I proposed the idea that man had a metaphysical component that persists after death. This part was separate from the intuitive learning engine or computer we call the brain and control of the brain could be lost or surrendered to other influences through entering altered states of consciousness. In this post I would like to test that idea somewhat and explore some facets that may be a little out of left field and seem initially unrelated to the topic of the Nature of Man.

Neurosurgical Stimulation

In Part 1, I referred to the discoveries made by the technique of neurosurgical electrical stimulation of portions of the brain. This technique is a useful (if somewhat crude and invasive) tool for determining the function of specific areas of the brain and is often used to locate malfunctioning areas for corrective surgery as in the case of epilepsy sufferers. It was noted by Wilder Penfield and others that the patient was always aware of the external nature of the actions caused by electrical stimulation of the brain, i.e. they knew the actions were not caused consciously by themselves. In analysis of his observations some (including me) had taken this to be possible evidence of the existence of the MIND separate from the brain. In the following discussion I would like to cover another line of thinking that casts doubt upon this conclusion.


Are ghosts real and if so what are they? I warned you it was left field but stay with me and it will tie in eventually. Ghosts or the idea of ghostly apparitions seem to be a persistent part of our human cultural experience in various forms. Unfortunately despite our scientific advances you will search in vain for proof of the existence of ghosts. Some of the phenomena that people will advance as proof of ghosts are:

  • Blurry apparitions or orbs on photographs or seen directly
  • EMF readings in supposedly haunted locations
  • Temperature changes (cold spots)
  • Psychokinetic Activity - objects moving without apparent cause
  • Strange noises in the house
  • Abnormal animal behavior
  • Disappearing Objects
  • Electrical disturbances
  • Strange dreams, nightly terrors or unexplained feelings
  • Awaking and unable to move (i.e. being immobilized by a spiritual force)
  • Ouija Board Communications

I am sure if you looked hard enough you could list quite a few more. The problem is that none of these things are proof of anything other than the phenomenon itself. Yes I heard strange noise, felt a cold spot, saw the lights flicker or saw a shadow person but I am no closer to knowing what the cause of that experience might be. As VictorStenger asserts:

 “Unfortunately we have only anecdotal evidence for these kinds of observations. None are scientifically documented. Indeed, paranormal phenomena seem to become neutralized in the presence of knowledgeable and especially sceptical observers. If such events could be captured on sophisticated instruments in properly controlled experiments, then we would have to take them seriously.”

There are various arguments that are regularly regurgitated to justify the continued possibility that ghosts are real, among them being the idea that you won’t find something if you don’t know what to look for and don’t believe it exists. This is really an accusation of lack of integrity on the part of all skeptical investigators rather than a valid argument. This and other similar such statements are just noise to obscure the lack of a methodical investigative process by a majority paranormal investigators. Consider the following possible explanations for the phenomena listed above.

Electrical Stimulation of the brain

The main problem I have with the idea of ghosts and the researchers or “hunters” of ghosts is that in general they do not logically analyse the phenomenon, collect data and then eliminate all other possible explanations before jumping to the conclusion of a ghostly presence. Serious researchers have estimated that up to 95% of purported phenomena can be immediately dismissed as due to a logical alternate explanation.

For the record, I don’t believe in ghosts but I do believe in the supernatural. That however is a discussion for another time. Let’s take a further look at a couple of areas that have a bearing on the makeup of the human body.

Shadow People & Electrical Stimulation of the Brain

Swiss scientists say they've found electrical stimulation of the brain can create the sensation of a "shadow person" mimicking one's bodily movements
This example directly addresses the data I presented in Part 1, being the electrical stimulation of the brain of an epilepsy patient. In this case, stimulation of the left temporoparietal junction caused the patient to “see” a shadow person adopting and mimicking her body posture and movements, yet she did nor recognize this effect as an illusion.


Infra-sound refers to low frequency sound below the frequency audible to humans, lower than 20Hz. It would seem that sound at these low frequencies can cause a number of undesirable effect on the human body. In one instance, Vic Tandy describes how he discovered that a potential ghostly presence, complete with blurred apparitions in peripheral vision, was caused by a faulty cooling fan recently installed in a laboratory. The fan was emitting a high intensity 19Hz low frequency sound that was responsible for the phenomena and once replaced, the effects promptly disappeared.

 This type of effect was later confirmed experimentally by acoustic engineers who found that exposure to infra-sound “produces a range of bizarre effects in people including anxiety, extreme sorrow and chills”. 

The Rub

If you dig deep enough you will see that effect of high intensity inaudible sound is well known and has been subject to research for military purposes for a long time. It is now being integrated into surveillance and security products for wider use.

 You may also be aware that this is of concern due to its possible link with large wind turbines that have been shown to emit infra-sound, the argument being if there are associated health effects or not. To claim all is good, authorities are utilizing a gap in research that has thus far seen efforts directed at high intensity industrial sources of infra-sound and no meaningful data exists on the health effects of lower intensities such as those generated by wind turbines.

 So what does this all mean? Simply that our bodies (including the brain) have a susceptibility to electromagnetic interference and it is not only in the low frequency ranges either. Considering this fact, the findings of Penfield’s surgical electrical brain stimulation should not been seen as indicative of the existence of the MIND as separate from the brain. The effects produced are more logically interpreted as interference produced by external localized stimuli. Depending on the particular area of the brain that is subject to such interference, the person may or may not still retain the ability to differentiate between the interference effects and his or her own conscious action or thought. In the case of the “shadow person” effect the patient could not recognize the effect as induced artificially. This may also be the case for non-localized stimulation such as that caused by infra-sound that will be applied equally to all parts of the body and brain. In such a case it follows that one will also not be “aware” of the artificial nature of the effect produced.

It seems the contention that the MIND may be simply a construct of our living thought process and not the result of a metaphysical component, is still on the table.

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